Fiat G.91 R/3 "Tiger Meet"

Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet
Local / Place: Base Aérea 1 - Pólo de Sintra do Museu do Ar / Air Base 1 - Sintra's pole Air Museum
Data / Date: 01.07.2001
Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet, click to open in large format Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet, click to open in large format Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet, click to open in large format Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet, click to open in large format
5452 - c/n D469
Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet, click to open in large format Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet, click to open in large format Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet, click to open in large format Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet, click to open in large format Fiat G.91 R/3 Tiger Meet, click to open in large format